Tuesday, February 23, 2010

OpenGovRadio 2/23/10: How to Measure Success in OpenGov

Here's what we'll be talking about on today's show (2-3pm ET, Tuesday, February 23th) on OpenGovRadio. We invite you to call in with your comments and questions (917-388-4210).

Under the President's Open Government Inititiative, federal agencies have been told to become more "Transparent, Participatory, and Collaborative".  Howcver, the White House's Open Government Directive has NOT made it clear (i.e., transparent) to federal agencies just how their efforts in those three areas of OpenGov are going to measured and judged.

And recent remarks from the White House are unclear as to when or how official guidance will be forthcoming, even as federal agencies wrestle with writing their OpenGov Plans (due April 7th) :

1. OSTP Blog (2/9/10):  Evolving the Open Government Dashboard with You (excerpt below) :
As such, the Open Government Working Group is preparing a set of "stretch criteria" to help evaluate the plans and celebrate those agencies that exceed the minimal requirements of the Directive to reflect the President's vision of openness and accountability as articulated in the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government. We are eager to seek your input in this process, so keep an eye out for opportunities to weigh in over the next two weeks.

After agencies have successfully delivered on the demanding deadlines set out for the first 120 days, Version 2.0 of the Dashboard can deploy a more holistic set of metrics, informed by agency Plans. Identifying the right set of metrics will help steer agencies toward high-impact efforts in the years to come.
Dave Lewan of ForeSeeResults will be on the show today to explain how his company is using standard tools to measure the levels of Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration with citizens at federal agency websites, and how that approach can work elsewhere.

2.  The Inaugural ForeSee Results’ E-Government Transparency Index (2/16/10)

3.  Feb. 18th Webinar (39 minutes; with Q&A) on the E-Government Transparency Index

Also, we'll discuss a keyword search of "measur" (leave off the "e") on these documents:

4.  Open Government Directive (12/8/09)

5.  OPEN GOVERNMENT: A Progress Report to the American People (December 2009)

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

OpenGovRadio 2/16/10: Citizen Input on OpenGov Plans: After the First 10 days

Here's what we'll be talking about on today's show (2-3pm EST, Tuesday, February 16th) on OpenGovRadio.  We invite you to call in with your comments and questions (917-388-4210).

For the past 10 days, citizen have been providing Ideas, Votes, and Comments about how to improve Transparency, Participation and Collaboration with federal agencies.

What do YOU think of this "online engagement"?  Is there an Idea that you (or someone else) posted that you would like people to vote for?  Tell us about it on OpenGovRadio.

We will take calls from listeners about their experiences, but first we will discuss Tim Bonnemann's coverage of this topic at his blog at Intellitics.com, as well as the new dynamic tracking graphic at http://www.opengovtracker.com/, created by NASA's Robbie Schingler and Jessy Cowan-Sharp.

And, you can also follow (or join) their GovLoop conversation, "Monitoring and Continuous Evaluation of OpenGov forums" (registration required, but you do NOT have to be a government employee).

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

OpenGovRadio 2/9/10: OGD Workshop on Feb. 17th and the OGD Feb. 6th Deliverables

Here are the links that we will be discussing on today's OpenGovRadio program.  We invite you to call in with your comments and questions.

The OpenGov Playbook

February Open Government Directive Workshop (#3 in the Series):

How to RSVP for the OGD Workshop #3:

Tim ("Intellitics") Bonnemann's blog-post about Federal agencies' "citizen engagement tool":

The White House/OMB's Open Government Dashboard:

Government Agencies listening to Citizens (using ForeSeeResults):

Discussed, but added after the show:

CDC eHealth Metrics Dashboard:

White House blog (2/9/10) - Evolving the Open Government Dashboard with You:

Today's Guests and Callers:

Chris Jones, SourcePOV.com
Bernie Lubran, ForeSeeResults.com
Andy Krzmarzick, GovLoop.com
Bev Godwin, GSA.gov

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

OpenGovRadio Today (2/2/10): "Engagement-Lite" and the OpenGov Dashboard

NOTE:  To listen to OpenGovRadio, keep this page open, and then center-click here and push the Play-button (Tues. from 2:00 - 3:00 pm EST).  To join the discussion, call (917) 388-4210.


Has OpenGov become so fixated on the "Transparency" aspect that it is ignoring "Public Engagement"?

Public engagement advocate Peter Levine writes that White House's "Open Government Initiative" has focused so much on "Transparency" that it has neglected the other two aspects: "Participation" and "Collaboration".

1.  About Peter Levine and his work (do watch the short, non-music video: "Song of a Citizen")

2.  Peter Levine's blog-post (1/27/10): "The Path Not Taken (so far): Civic Engagement for Reform"

But just HOW do we measure the progress of federal agencies in "Transparency", "Participation", and "Collaboration"?

According to the Open Government Directive, the White House is scheduled to unveil the OpenGov "Dashboard" on Feb. 6th.  But what exactly will its "gauges" measure? We'll discuss that with Katie Delahaye Paine, the author of "Measuring Public Relationships: The Data-Driven Communicator's Guide to Success"

3.  KDPaine's homepage:

4.  KDPaine's blog-post (8/24/09): "How To Measure Transparency and Open Government"

5.  KDPaine: Developing a Dashboard for Measuring Public Relations

Other Websites to which we may refer, during this week's show:

A.  President's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government (1/21/09)

B.  Open Government Directive (issued by OMB, 12/8/09)

C.  "The White House Open Government Dashboard: Seeking Your Input" (from OSTP blog, 12/16/09):

D.  The February Open Government Directive Workshop (3rd in the series, 2/17/10)

E.  The OpenGov Playbook (a wiki of resources about the Open Government Directive)

F.  Gov2.0 Camp New England (March 6th at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government)

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