Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OpenGovRadio 4/6/10: Spotting Holes in the OpenGov Plans for Pubilc Engagement

Here's what we'll discuss on this weeks's OpenGovRadio show (2-3pm ET, Tuesday, April 6th):

"Spotting the Holes in OpenGov Plans for Public Engagement"

A.  With the OpenGov Plans by federal agencies to be released this Wednesday (April 7th), how are we to judge whether a Plan is adequate to the task?

B.  What are the critical elements, and are they present?

C.  Are these Plans for increasing transparency actually clear enough to be followed?

D.  And are there loopholes that allow for "fake public participation"?

Joining us will be J. H. Snider with whom, during our March 2nd show, we had a short discussion about the the practice of "fake public participation".  His paper (along with two other authors; see below) appeared in a special issue of the Int'l. Journal of Public Participation about the Obama administration's "Open Government" initiative.

1.  "Deterring Fake Public Participation" by J. H. Snider, PhD. (prior to issuance of Open Government Directive, 12/8/09).
J.H. Snider, Ph.D., the president of iSolon.org, has written extensively about information policy and democratic reform.  During Spring Semester 2008, he was a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government‘s Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy.  From 2001 to 2007, he was a Markle Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, and Research Director at the New America Foundation.  From 1999 to 2000, he was an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow in Communications and Public Policy.  He has served on many public bodies, including as an elected school board member in Burlington, Vermont.

OpenGovRadio's host Stephen Buckley invites you to listen on your computer and, if you wish, join the live conversation with your comments and questions by calling (917) 388-4210.

Other links that we may discuss:

2.  "Previewing Agencies’ Open Government Plans" last week at the White House Conference Center (4/3/10) as reported by NCDD's representative Lucas Cioffi.

3.  "What Government Plans Are Missing" by Andrea Di Maio, The Gartner Group (4/1/10)

4.  Participedia.net is a consists of user-generated information about participatory methods and organizations (e.g., NCDD, IAP2, etc.) throughout the world.

5.  ParticipationCamp.org -- April 17th & 18th (Sat./Sun.) in D.C.

6.  Open Government Directive Workshop (#4 in Series) -- Wednesday, April 28th in D.C. (@USDA)

7.  President's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government (1/21/09)

8.  White House's Open Government Directive (12/8/09)

9.  CoffeePartyUSA.com is a group that is promoting civil discourse for an "Age of Participation".

10.  Open Government Directive google-group is an "opt-in/opt-out" moderated email-group (137 members) about OGD news & discussion.

11.  "Open Government Day Arrives April 7" by OMBwatch blog (4/6/10)


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