Monday, April 12, 2010

OpenGovRadio 4/13/10: Review of OpenGov Plans - Version 1.0

Here's what we'll discuss on this weeks's OpenGovRadio show (Tues., April 13th, 2:00 pm ET):

"Review of OpenGov Plans - Version 1.0"

Joining me, your host Stephen Buckley, will be Jenn Gustetic, an Associate at PhaseOneConsulting Group.  Ms. Gustetic blogs about Open Government and assisted in developing the OpenGov Plan for the U.S. Department of Transportation.  We'll be touching on the following points.

A.  With the OpenGov Plans by federal agencies released this past Wednesday (April 7th), how do we judge whether a Plan is adequate to the task?

B.  What are the critical elements, and are they present?

C.  Are these Plans for increasing transparency actually clear enough to be followed?

OpenGovRadio's host Stephen Buckley invites you to listen on your computer and, if you wish, join the live conversation with your comments and questions by calling (917) 388-4210.

Links for following the discussion:

1.  Listing of Federal Agencies' OpenGov Plans (then click on an agency's name)

2.  GovLoop's Chart of the OpenGov Plans

3.  "What Government Plans Are Missing" by Andrea Di Maio, The Gartner Group (4/1/10)

4.  How We Will Measure the Success of Open Government at HHS

5.  " and [their] partners will be using [the Open Government Directive] to evaluate the Open Government Plans, and grade them on whether they live up to both the letter, and the spirit, of the [OGD] requirements."

6.  A Test of Leadership by Brian Friel (Government Executive magazine, 3/17/10)

7.  Transparent Leadership by Roger Schwarz (Government Executive magazine, 4/7/10)
 Excerpt: "When you are transparent, you create better results and relationships because others understand your thinking. People always are trying to find the meaning of actions, especially leaders' behaviors. When you fail to be transparent, you increase the chance that others will come up with their own theories about your intentions and motives - theories that often will differ from yours.

8. compendium of this past week's OpenGov links (w/ survey question at bottom)

9. is a consists of user-generated information about participatory methods and organizations (e.g., NCDD, IAP2, etc.) throughout the world.

10. -- April 17th & 18th (Sat./Sun.) in D.C.

11.  Open Government Directive Workshop (#4 in Series) -- Wednesday, April 28th in D.C. (@USDA)

12.  President's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government (1/21/09)

13.  White House's Open Government Directive (12/8/09)

14. is a group that is promoting civil discourse for an "Age of Participation".

15.  Open Government Directive google-group is an "opt-in/opt-out" moderated email-group (137 members) about OGD news & discussion.

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