"The 1990s' Origins of Today's Open Government Initiative"
Newsflash: President Obama did not invent the principles of "open government". There are new buzzwords, but people have been evangelizing about, and proving the value of, better communication between citizens and their government for many, many years. Although new to many people, the idea of "Open Government" is the just latest name for the ongoing effort.
Your host on OpenGovRadio is Stephen Buckley, and his guest will be Bruce Waltuck, former head of the Government Division of the American Society for Quality. Bruce Waltuck has spent more than 30 years as a leader in government quality and process improvement. He worked 26 years for the U.S. Department of Labor, where he co-created and managed the DOL's award-winning Employee Involvement and Quality Improvement system. Bruce is a senior member of the American Society for Quality, where he has served on the Board of the Government Division for over 10 years. Bruce hosts the Divisions series of webinars on successful government improvement, which draws an international audience. You can learn about the ASQ Government Division at www.asq.org/gov Bruce is also a member of the Plexus Institute, and he holds a unique Masters degree in Complexity, Chaos, and Creativity. Bruce has written and taught about government improvement throughout the US, Canada, Brazil, and Southeast Asia.
Because Bruce has been at the forefront of government improvement for more than 25 years, we'll be talking with him about the history of work to improve government, and the reasons why each generation of managers and leaders seems to forget what happened "B.T." - before them. Bruce will also talk about ways to re-connect to the body of existing knowledge on government improvement, and the Government Division's current initiative to spread the knowledge and practice of better government around the world.In addition to listening to the show on your computer, you can add to the discussion with your comments and questions. You can do that in either (or all) of three ways:
A. Post a Comment/Question on this Blog at least one hour before the show begins. Scroll down to "green box" (below) and click on "Comment". It must be concise, and focused on the Open Government Initiative (or else it will not be approved). Commentors can choose to remain anonymous.
B. Email a comment/question Confidentially to your host Stephen Buckley, who fully understands the risk of raising unwelcome questions within the government. Mr. Buckley can then raise the question "on-air" without identifying you.
C. Call-in "live" to (917) 388-4210 with your comment/question. However -- The host will NOT answer callers until AFTER all the posted Comments (see link, below) have been addressed. Callers are welcome to add/ask a "follow-up" to those posted Comments.
Handy Links to "Open Government":
1. President's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government (1/21/09)
2. White House's Open Government Directive (12/8/09)
3. OMB's "Initial Assessment of OpenGov Plans" of Federal Agencies
4. OMB's "OpenGov Dashboard" for tracking Compliance by Federal Agencies
5. GovLoop's Chart of the OpenGov Plans
6. Transparent Leadership by Roger Schwarz (Government Executive magazine, 4/7/10)
"When you are transparent, you create better results and relationships because others understand your thinking. People always are trying to find the meaning of actions, especially leaders' behaviors. When you fail to be transparent, you increase the chance that others will come up with their own theories about your intentions and motives - theories that often will differ from yours.7. Open Government Directive Workshop (#5 in Series) was Monday, May 24th (1:00 to 4:30pm) at U.S. Dept. of Treasury. (OGD Workshops info here.)
8. The Amercian Society for Quality's Government Division
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