"Talking with White House/OSTP's Eugene Huang"
Your host on OpenGovRadio is Stephen Buckley, and his guest will be Eugene Huang, Senior Advisor to the U.S. Chief Technology Officer in the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). We'll be talking with him about the White House's approach for implementing the Open Government Directive, both at OSTP and government-wide.
From August 2009 to April 2010, Mr. Huang served as the Government Operations Director for the National Broadband Task Force at the Federal Communications Commission, and was part of the team responsible for authoring “Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan”.
Mr. Huang served at the United States Department of the Treasury under two Secretaries of the Treasury from 2006 to 2009, as Policy Advisor to the Secretary and previously as a White House Fellow. From 2002 to 2006, Mr. Huang served the Commonwealth of Virginia under Governor Mark R. Warner as the Secretary of Technology and previously as the Deputy Secretary of Technology. At the time of his appointment as Secretary of Technology in 2004, he was the youngest cabinet member in Virginia history at the age of 28.
In addition to listening to the show on your computer, you can add to the discussion with your comments and questions. You can do that in either (or all) of three ways:
A. Post a Comment/Question on this Blog at least one hour before the show begins. Scroll down to "green box" (below) and click on "Comment". It must be concise, and focused on the Open Government Initiative (or else it will not be approved). Commentors can choose to remain anonymous.
B. Email a comment/question Confidentially to your host Stephen Buckley, who fully understands the risk of raising unwelcome questions within the government. Mr. Buckley can then raise the question "on-air" without identifying you.
C. Call-in "live" to (917) 388-4210 with your comment/question. However -- The host will NOT answer callers until AFTER all the posted Comments (see link, below) have been addressed. Callers are welcome to add/ask a "follow-up" to those posted Comments.
Handy Links to "Open Government":
1. President's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government (1/21/09)
2. White House's Open Government Directive (12/8/09)
3. OMB's "Initial Assessment of OpenGov Plans" of Federal Agencies
4. OMB's "OpenGov Dashboard" for tracking Compliance by Federal Agencies
5. GovLoop's Chart of the OpenGov Plans
6. Transparent Leadership by Roger Schwarz (Government Executive magazine, 4/7/10)
"When you are transparent, you create better results and relationships because others understand your thinking. People always are trying to find the meaning of actions, especially leaders' behaviors. When you fail to be transparent, you increase the chance that others will come up with their own theories about your intentions and motives - theories that often will differ from yours.
7. Open Government Directive Workshop (#5 in Series) was Monday, May 24th (1:00 to 4:30pm) at U.S. Dept. of Treasury. (OGD Workshops info here.)
8. OSTP's Open Government Webpage, including the following links:
a. OSTP's Open Government Plan 1.0 (4/7/10)
9. OpentheGovernment's Evaluation of OpenGov Plans by federal agencies. For the press-release, click here.b. "Following Public Evaluation, OSTP Upgrades Open Government Plan" and the resultant Open Government Plan 1.2 (4/26/10)
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